Hello Blogland! This is my first venture into the world of the Blog. I've been writing "blogs" for a few years now over at Myspace, Facebook, and Livejournal but now I'm taking the leap into starting a "continuous" blog.
I spent time contemplating what my blog should be about. I considered doing a comedic and satirical look at the world of entertainment but quickly resolved that this has become an overused cliché as of late. The same went for a look at news - I think that the plethora of columnists and talking heads at various news organizations are handling that already. So if I wasn't going to offer so biting commentary on the world then what would I write about?
Well, it occurred to me one day that I always have a story to tell, some anecdote about my life. With this thought came the realization that over the past year or two, I have become increasingly more invested in my own personal growth: the lessons I've learned and continue to learn and how they apply to my ongoing growth. I learn from my past experiences, from my family and friends, from my adventures in love, and my general observations of the world around me.
Let's face it - even at 23 I'm still young and impressionable. I may have experienced more and taken on more responsibilities than most who have seen their 23rd year, but I continue to learn, grow, and love. Everyday. Heck, people continue to grow, learn, and love well into old age. This is how the elderly become pillars of wisdom for the young. I think that this is part of the beauty of life - we are always expanding our minds through lessons learned, through our interactions with each other and with the world around us. What would make for a more enduring blog than chronicling my own growth and life experiences?
You may ask - well what would make me want to read about the life of some twenty-something in Pittsburgh? Well, what makes us want to read about any individual person? Memoirs and biographies constantly top the best-seller lists. Granted, these are often people of notoriety and fame and, for some reason, our culture is obsessed by even the most minute details of these people. I mean, it seems like not a day goes by without some update regarding what Britney Spears ordered at Starbucks or what President Obama is doing in his downtime. We are constantly invested in the lives of other people.
My hope with this blog is that I can become even more invested in my own life and in the process perhaps help those who may read this become more invested in their lives as well. And I promise that this blog will rarely be dull. There will be no "I ordered a grande iced chai tea latte and then took a nap" posts from me. No, I hope that my posts will be insightful and humorous all in one leap.
But that, my dear reader, is your call to make. Right now, I need to start formulating my first official post. I have a list of topics to choose from - so expect another post within the next 48 hours.
Until then, enjoy the day. I don't know about elsewhere in the world, but it's been a beautiful day here in the 'burgh.
Signing off for the first, but certainly not the last time,
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